


The collection will be released and indexed in the RSCI in 2021.


FORMAT on-line

(information about the entrance to ZOOM will be sent additionally to the e-mail addresses you provided)

Estimated time of the plenary session October 23 in 10.00-13.00

October 24 - meetings of the sections on the organizing universities

(we will indicate the entrance to ZOOM additionally),

October 25 - summing up the results of the conference

Changes in time are possible




To participate in the conference, you must send it to the Organizing Committee's email address by October 23, 2020 inclusive, with the note «Full name Conf EAEN 2020».

The collection of conference abstracts is planned to be published after the conference (ISBN, RSCI). The cost of publishing 5 pages is free for employees of universities organizing the conference with personal or remote participation in the conference.

Participants of other organizations pay 150 rubles per page of article text in a scientific collection.


    The author grants the Publisher of the conference materials (VSTU) the right to use his article in the collection, as well as to include full-text versions of the article in the RSCI system (Scientific electronic library eLIBRARY.RU). The right to use the conference materials as a whole in accordance with clause 7 of Art. 1260 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation belongs to the Publisher of the conference materials and is valid indefinitely in the territory of the Russian Federation and abroad. The scope of the Publisher's rights to use the conference materials as a whole corresponds to the scope of the exclusive right owned by the author under Art. 1270 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. The publisher may also authorize the use of the publication as a whole by others under certain conditions at its discretion. No copyright remuneration is paid by the author to the Publisher of the above rights. No publication fee is paid. The author of the article included in the conference materials retains the exclusive right to it, regardless of the Publisher's right to use the conference materials as a whole. The submission by the author of the article to the collection means his consent to the use of the article by the Publisher on the conditions indicated above, to the inclusion of the article in the RSCI system and indicates that he is aware of the conditions of its use. The submitted application of the conference participant, including by e-mail, is also considered as such consent.

Our bank details:


- UFK in the Voronezh region (Department No. 34 in the Voronezh region of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education «VSTU» l / s. 20316X73120); INN 3662020886; CAT 366201001;

- Current account: 40501810920072000002

- BIK 042007001

- Bank: branch Voronezh, Voronezh

-OKTMO: 20701000

- OKATO: 20401000000

- OGRN 1033600070448

Purpose of payment: Registration fee for the conference EAEN 2020